
Friday, 21 June 2013

Technology in education

This is my Technology in education
I think that me and my partner did really well.

Monday, 10 June 2013


Today I learnt about Connectives. Connectives help you link your sentences to make them sound better.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Wet Lunch Netbook Agreement

Wet Lunch Netbook Agreement

  • Eat my lunch first - keep food and drink away from computers
  • Finish my work first
  • Play learning games
  • Work at a desk with your netbook to keep it safe
  • Visit safe sites:
    • Cool maths games
    • Study Ladder
    • Sumdog
    • Xtramath
    • Other class blogs
    • Class Dojo
    • Anything on our class site (especially reading and maths links)
    • Typing practice
    • Google Apps
    • Tux paint
    • B logger (posting work onto your blog)
  • Any damages (casing cracks or juice in keyboard or screen cracks) will cost your family $70
  • Don’t use your full name, address or phone numbers on public sites
  • Beware of side advertising - don’t click on the links
  • Keep emails friendly and happy (sort out problems face to face)
  • Use your camera for learning tasks only
  • NO DOWNLOADING MUSIC OR GAMES (your parents will be contacted and your netbook removed)

    I agree to copy these rules. 
    And not to go on the wrong thing.

The Visit By Des Hunt.

The author Des Hunt came to visit us today. He used chemistry and physics to teach us about writing. He made it interesting and fun. I learnt that Des Hunt loves writing books about New Zealand. He also was a teacher I would like him to be our teacher.

Basic Addition

This is my Basic Addition 2 I think that I am getting good at my Addition.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Past Education

I learnt that in the past they did fun thing and bad things but I don't think that I would like being at there school.

My XtraMaths Results.,

These are my 3 facts

6+2=9   6+3=9   6+4=9

These are my xtramaths results

You will see that I need to get 1 more right

Monday, 13 May 2013


We did handwriting with a tooth picks and ink because we wanted to no how it was in the olden days. I found out that it is hard because not make any mastics.

Friday, 19 April 2013

My Portrait Art

This is my Portrait Art

I really like my  Portrait Art because it has a silhouettes on the side. I also like my Portrait Art because it has my name in black and white.   

My XtraMaths Results.

This is my My XtraMaths Results. I have gotten better. I think that if work harder I can get on to  subtraction.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


I think that I need to work on having a loud clear voice. I think that I am getting good at my presentation slide lay out.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Xtramaths results.

This is my extra maths chart. I think that I am getting better. I think I do need more practice.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

My day at eastern beach

On Monday the 4th of march we went to Eastern Beach I had a lot of fun we went swimming we played soccer rugby and  all sorts of games. I liked when I went swimming and when I climbed the tree I had a lot of fun there. Then it was lunch they closed the beach for little wille so we could have some lunch. then they opened it up agin so we all went in to the water we had a lot of fun at eastern beach. 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

My blog post

This is a blog post to Room8 about  how who when were why


Thursday, 28 February 2013

Mathematical Me

We measured bodies. We found some connections in our measurements. I found out that my foot is the same size as my fore arm. I hope you enjoy my post.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

bio poem

brave quit sport funny 
Sibling of anaru maria maki nike dayna jesie 
Lover of My mum and dad 
Who fears spiders 
Who needs family 
Who gives toys to my brother and sisters 
Who would like to see A snake 
Resident of Glen Ines